“Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building.” – Romans 14:19
The Mission Committee’s priority was to continue past successful mission initiatives and to embrace new opportunities, reaching out to others in the local community and beyond.
Local Missions
Catholic Charities - Flint: Provides food, clothing, and supplies as well as a Warming Center and various client supports.
Flint Eastside Mission: Provides food, clothing, and funds for meals, basic needs, housing necessities and decorative items, and counseling and Christian worship services for those at risk.
Food Bank of Eastern Michigan: Provides food, water and personal products throughout 22 Michigan Counties.
Outreach East: Provides food, clothing, school supplies, Christmas gifts, Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, funds, and/or other necessities, which are distributed to families in need.
Reach The Forgotten Jail Ministry: Provides bibles, religious books, and visits to help inmates.
Flint Eastside Mission: Provides food, clothing, and funds for meals, basic needs, housing necessities and decorative items, and counseling and Christian worship services for those at risk.
Food Bank of Eastern Michigan: Provides food, water and personal products throughout 22 Michigan Counties.
Outreach East: Provides food, clothing, school supplies, Christmas gifts, Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, funds, and/or other necessities, which are distributed to families in need.
Reach The Forgotten Jail Ministry: Provides bibles, religious books, and visits to help inmates.
Wycliffe Bible Translations: develop alphabets, help preliterate people learn to read and write and translate the Bible into written versions of currently spoken languages.
Family Promise of Genesee County: St. Andrews continues as a Support Church for Family Promise.
Pregnancy Resource Center, Lapeer, MI: Provides Christian counseling to women/families, childcare, adoption information, clothing/supplies.
Honduras Mission: In memory of member, Tony Schunot, St. Andrew’s continues to gather clothing, supplies and monetary donations for this mission, organized by the Otterbein Methodist Church, Indiana.
Other Local Mission Activities
Talent Bazaar: Members, family and friends can get creative in making arts, crafts and/or food items for donations that support local missions.
Collections for Back Packs and School Supplies: School supplies are collected and distributed through Outreach East and Flint Eastside Mission. This long-time mission is needed and appreciated by their clients: children/families.
Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Collections: Members and friends continue to support these Outreach East & Flint Eastside Mission projects, thereby blessing local families with funds, food and supplies.
Christmas Gift Collections: Collecting gifts/or monitary donations to be distributed through Outreach East and Fint Eastside Mission.
“Knitting in the Word”: Members and friends knit/crochet hats, scarves, prayer shawls, wash cloths, etc. These items are distributed to schools/agencies and; prayers shawls are given to grieving/ill members and friends, and many preemie caps go to local hospitals. Knitters and supporters, including non-members, donate more than 80% of the yarn/supplies. ALL are welcome. Needles/yarn and friendly instruction are available at no charge. Tuesdays from 1-3PM except weeks that a holiday fall on and they take a break from Memorial day to Labor Day.
Talent Bazaar: Members, family and friends can get creative in making arts, crafts and/or food items for donations that support local missions.
Collections for Back Packs and School Supplies: School supplies are collected and distributed through Outreach East and Flint Eastside Mission. This long-time mission is needed and appreciated by their clients: children/families.
Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Collections: Members and friends continue to support these Outreach East & Flint Eastside Mission projects, thereby blessing local families with funds, food and supplies.
Christmas Gift Collections: Collecting gifts/or monitary donations to be distributed through Outreach East and Fint Eastside Mission.
“Knitting in the Word”: Members and friends knit/crochet hats, scarves, prayer shawls, wash cloths, etc. These items are distributed to schools/agencies and; prayers shawls are given to grieving/ill members and friends, and many preemie caps go to local hospitals. Knitters and supporters, including non-members, donate more than 80% of the yarn/supplies. ALL are welcome. Needles/yarn and friendly instruction are available at no charge. Tuesdays from 1-3PM except weeks that a holiday fall on and they take a break from Memorial day to Labor Day.