Meet our Church Leaders & Staff!

Pastor Linda Graham
Linda started here at St. Andrew's in December of 2019 and was Installed in January of 2020. Linda was ordained in March 2012. She has served churches in Oklahoma and in “the Thumb” of Michigan before coming to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Linda has a passion for bringing all generations together is learn from and teach each other and to grow in faith together. She enjoys all kinds of music, but her favorite is Jazz. She enjoys cooking, reading and is learning how to crochet. Spending time with her two sons and daughter, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren brings her the most joy!

St. Andrew's Session
The governing body or Session of St. Andrew’s is comprised of Ruling Elders, elected by the congregation, with Pastor Linda Graham at the helm. Elders are members that have been called by God, and after prayerful discernment accept the call of the congregation to represent and make decisions concerning the life of the church. Session is led, guided, and nurtured by Pastor Linda Graham. Elders are ordained in a special ceremony and installed to the governing body in three year terms. They typically have a committee that they work with or are responsible for. All areas of St. Andrew’s life are served by the Session: its education, mission, nurture, facility, business, and the worship of our LORD Jesus Christ. The Session and Pastor meet regularly to carry out the work of the church and to pray for its membership, friends, and the world. Committee work is led by a Session member, and utilizes the gifts and talents of the family of St. Andrew’s. There is always some way for every individual to contribute to the life of St. Andrew’s. One just needs to ask “what can I do to help?”

Oslynbrie (Ozzy) Dobbs
Ozzy is our Secretary here at St. Andrew's and provides the church with all the basic job duties of a secretary, social media administrator, website designer/ manager, back-up tech support for Sunday mornings and much more. Ozzy started working for us May 1st, 2018. When she learned of the open position, she felt a "called" feeling- like she was meant to do this, once she began working with us things slowly began to fall in place. She enjoys writing, drawing, painting, doing many other forms of art, watching and collecting superheros, comic books, giant pandas, playing all kinds of games and cuddling with her husband, two sons and three "fur" babies at home. Most recently, Ozzy has joined St. Andrew's as an offical member, through reaffirmation of faith. She is excited to see where she can help out and go from here.
“The Holy Spirit teaches that God is owner of all persons and all things, and that people are but stewards of life and possessions; that God’s ownership and their stewardship should be acknowledged; that this acknowledgment should take the form, in part, of giving a worthy proportion of their income to the church of Jesus Christ, of giving themselves in dedication to God, of giving service to others in God’s behalf, thus worshipping the Lord with all they have and are.”
The Session adopts as part of its operating theology the concept that the congregation affirms their intent to support the total Church program with their prayer, time, talent and financial resources. The Session believes that we are led, through our faith, to give and disburse time, talent and financial resources in God’s name. Monetary pledges will not be solicited or taken. In response to this belief, the Session plans programs and their financial support. As a further response to our belief that we are led to disburse time, talent, and giving financial resources in God’s name, a percentage of the annual budget shall be set aside for mission work in both the local community and greater world. The Session is committed to full payment of the annual percentage set by the Session for mission giving with donations to come from General Fund and designated gifts and estimated in kind offerings.